Risk transfer through insurance of assets is being recognised globally as being a potent strategy for shielding the communities from fast mounting burden of disaster induced losses and facilitating prompt and full recovery. India's diverse landscape is a source of immense beauty and cultural richness. But this diversity also brings with it a heightened vulnerability to natural … [Read More...] about Risk Transfer: Your Financial Safety Net Against the Unexpected
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Climate Change Induced Implications for Disaster Managers
Before dwelling into the topic that relates to climate change induced challenges for disaster managers, particularly for the Himalayan region, it becomes pertinent to put forth that the Himalayan arc is is vulnerable to multiple hazards that include earthquake, landslide, flash flood, forest fire, avalanche and drought, but then unlike other regions Uttarakhand Himalaya has not witnessed any … [Read More...] about Climate Change Induced Implications for Disaster Managers
Discrimination in the Wake of Disasters: The Hidden Inequality
Despite the Constitution prohibiting discrimination the victims of less publicised disasters often get less relief as compared to the victims of high profile disasters. An equitable system is thus advocated for ending this discrimination.
Landslides and Human Habitation in the Himalayan Region: A Delicate Balance
Landslides promote availability of water and fertile land in the mountains and most habitations are therefore located in close proximity of old landslides. Understanding this relationship is crucial to reducing landslide induced losses.
The Deadly Truth About Crowd Collapse: A Survivor’s Guide
Crowd related tragedies are related to crowd collapse or crush and not stampede and crowd density rather than size is the main determinant with risk becoming emminent at 4 persons / sq m.
Traditional Knowledge: An Untapped Resource for Disaster Resilience
At the face of fast increasing disaster frequency and magnitude and challenges posed by changing climate amalgamation of science and traditional knowledge hold the promise to ensure disaster resilience and promote climate adaptation.
The Hidden Danger in the Divine Char Dham Yatra
With wider roads pilgrims from the plains are reaching the Char Dham destinations without due acclimatization which is resulting in heavy loss of human lives and therefore detailed SOP is required to be put in place for Char Dham Yatra.
Small Tremors & Earthquake Risk
Small tremors, though frequent don’t reduce earthquake risk in an area as the energy released by them is relatively insignificant. Get to better understand the implications of small magnitude earthquakes.
XV Finance Commission and Disaster Risk Index
Try out Disaster Risk Index methodology of XV Finance Commission to assess the risk of various hazards on the districts of your state using open source data.
The Challenge of Deepfakes
Challenge of deepfakes becoming grave and real, threatening social order and solidarity warrants understanding the problem and putting in place appropriate prevention and mitigation measures.
Mass Awareness for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction
Mass awareness is the cornerstone of disaster risk reduction as it alone can ensure voluntary compliance of prevention, mitigation and safety measures.
Supreme Court on Dignified End of Life
The article explores the scenario around dignified end of life choice so boldly provided by the Government of Haryana in response to the resounding echoes of the Supreme Court’s stance on this often debated issue of euthanasia.
XV Finance Commission and Resources for Disaster Management – In Hindi
Get to know about the innovative approach of the XV Finance Commission for allocating resources for disaster management related purposes to the states. The XV Finance Commission has for the first timer provided resources for not only pre-disaster mitigation and capacity building but also for post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Capacity Building for Disaster Resilience
Capacity building is a must to ensure effective and quality discharge of functions and bringing forth improvement in service delivery and is considered necessary for disaster resilience. In the intricate dance of organizational efficiency, every employee plays a pivotal role. Michael Kremer‘s O-Ring Theory of Economic Development, though basically focusing on highly sophisticated manufacturing […]
Threat of Earthquakes in the Himalayan Region: A Call to Action for Resilience
It is a harsh reality that being overwhelmed routinely by landslides and flash floods, the Himalayan states are ignoring earthquake safety, largely due to particularly long quiescence after the previous earthquake. In view of due date of next major earthquake drawing close it is recommended that the Himalayan states gear up their preparedness to reduce the threat of earthquakes by adopting and undertaking strategies for (i) mass awareness, (ii) dos and don’t campaigns, (iii) stringent building bye laws, (iv) incentives and punitive measures for compliance, (v) vulnerability assessment and retrofitting, (vi) risk transfer and low premiums, (vii) mandatory construction standards for loans, and (viii) stringent safety measures in lifeline buildings.
Uttarakhand Tunnel Project and Silkyara Disaster
Despite housing a number of these, Uttarakhand tunnel projects witnessed the heat of review, close scrutiny and critique from various ends including general public and media after the Silkyara tunnel disaster in which 41 workers were trapped and could be rescued only after 17 days on 28 November 2023.
Reflecting on Resilience from Sinking Joshimath
On the first anniversary of Sinking Joshimath or aggravated ground subsidence and the subsequent disaster that unfolded in Joshimath, it becomes imperative to reflect on the challenges faced and the inspiring journey toward recovery.
New Year and January 1
History is adorned with various dates that, in different cultures and epochs, marked the advent of a fresh beginning or New Year. Get to know as to how January 1 came to be accepted universally as being the New Years Day.
राज्य आपदा न्यूनीकरण कोष (Mitigation Fund Guidelines): मार्गनिर्देश व अन्य जानकारिया
वर्तमान में हमारे पास आपदा घटित होने से पहले कार्यवाही कर के सम्भावित क्षति को कम करने के विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं, जरूरत हैं तो बस उन्हें जानने-समझने की और ऐसा हम Mitigation Fund Guidelines का अध्ययन कर उन्हें समझ कर सहज ही कर सकते है
Disaster Management in India – Funding Provisions in Hindi
Funding provisions for disaster management in India are decided upon by the recommendations of successive Finance Commissions. Departing from the routine expenditure based approach, XV Finance Commission has also taken note of disaster risk faced by the states and has allocated funds not only for pre-disaster mitigation, preparedness and capacity building but also for post-disaster rehabilitation and reconsatruction.
मिनाक्षीनामा: Your Stars and Luck – 2024
Get to know as to what your stars and luck have in store for you in 2024. Avail benefit of the advice, avoid losses and maximise benefits.
Meenakshinama: Your Stars and Luck in 2024
Get to know as to what your stars and luck have in store for you in 2024. Avail benefit of the advice, avoid losses and maximise benefits.
बीमा के खेल में हवा शंट
जीवन व सम्पत्ति बचाने के बाद आपदा के प्रभावितो के दिमाग में जो सबसे पहली बात आती हैं, ज्यादातर स्थितियों में नुकसान का आंकलन करने व क्षति की भरपाई से सम्बन्धित होती हैं और ऐसे में प्रभावित व्यक्ति को ऐसे प्रकरणों में सरकार या अन्य स्त्रोतों के द्वारा दी जाने वाली सहायता का भी खयाल […]
हितधारकों का 28वा सम्मलेन (COP 28)
With climate change induced adverse implications becoming increasingly real, the stakes were real high at recently concluded COP 28. Get to know as to what is to be expected from COP 28.
Importance of Disaster Awareness
Realising importance of disaster awareness alone can help you plan effective IEC drive to ensure voluntary compliance of DRR measures.
Painting workshop and the 6th WCDM
The painting workshop being organised as a prelude to 6th WCDM aims at drawing attention towards various DRR issues and galvanise masses for action.
Hazard awareness for safety
With climate change induced threat of extreme events turning real and becoming grave with each passing year, hazard awareness is a must for realistically assessing evolving risk scenario and planning of appropriate strategies for safety and resilience.
पहाड़ो में नदी तल का ऊपर उठना
संता – भाई, अभी हाल तुमने कहा था कि aggradation मुख्यतः पहाड़ो से आने वाली नदियों में मैदानी क्षेत्र के आस- पास होता हैं, और इसका कारण नदियों के ढाल में होने वाला अचानक परिवर्तन हैं। बंता – हाँ, एकदम ठीक समझा तुमने। ऐसा ही बताया था मैंने कि ढाल में होने वाले अचानक परिवर्तन के कारण पानी कि […]
Why We Forget What We Should Not?
The question as to why we forget what we should not, often crops up after major disasters when masses seem to have learnt no lessons from previous ones and forgotten those completely.
Believe me or not, we all are hard-wired by evolution to forget, and for that matter we tend to forget unpleasant and traumatising moments much faster than happy moments, and Psychologists call that a gift of evolution.
जोखिम लेने की हमारी प्रवृति
संता – भाई, क्या आपदा के कारण होने वाले नुकसान के लिये हमारी जानबूझ कर जोखिम लेने की आदत उत्तरदायी नहीं हैं? बंता – सो तो हैं, पर यह हमें प्रकृति द्वारा दिया गया वरदान भी तो हैं। संता – वरदान? बंता – इसे सकारात्मकता या फिर Positivity Bias कहते हैं, और इसके चलते […]