Risk transfer through insurance of assets is being recognised globally as being a potent strategy for shielding the communities from fast mounting burden of disaster induced losses and facilitating prompt and full recovery.
Techno-legal regime
Discrimination in the Wake of Disasters: The Hidden Inequality
Despite the Constitution prohibiting discrimination the victims of less publicised disasters often get less relief as compared to the victims of high profile disasters. An equitable system is thus advocated for ending this discrimination.
XV Finance Commission and Disaster Risk Index
Try out Disaster Risk Index methodology of XV Finance Commission to assess the risk of various hazards on the districts of your state using open source data.
XV Finance Commission and Resources for Disaster Management – In Hindi
Get to know about the innovative approach of the XV Finance Commission for allocating resources for disaster management related purposes to the states. The XV Finance Commission has for the first timer provided resources for not only pre-disaster mitigation and capacity building but also for post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation.
राज्य आपदा न्यूनीकरण कोष (Mitigation Fund Guidelines): मार्गनिर्देश व अन्य जानकारिया
वर्तमान में हमारे पास आपदा घटित होने से पहले कार्यवाही कर के सम्भावित क्षति को कम करने के विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं, जरूरत हैं तो बस उन्हें जानने-समझने की और ऐसा हम Mitigation Fund Guidelines का अध्ययन कर उन्हें समझ कर सहज ही कर सकते है
Disaster Management in India – Funding Provisions in Hindi
Funding provisions for disaster management in India are decided upon by the recommendations of successive Finance Commissions. Departing from the routine expenditure based approach, XV Finance Commission has also taken note of disaster risk faced by the states and has allocated funds not only for pre-disaster mitigation, preparedness and capacity building but also for post-disaster rehabilitation and reconsatruction.
बीमा के खेल में हवा शंट
जीवन व सम्पत्ति बचाने के बाद आपदा के प्रभावितो के दिमाग में जो सबसे पहली बात आती हैं, ज्यादातर स्थितियों में नुकसान का आंकलन करने व क्षति की भरपाई से सम्बन्धित होती हैं और ऐसे में प्रभावित व्यक्ति को ऐसे प्रकरणों में सरकार या अन्य स्त्रोतों के द्वारा दी जाने वाली सहायता का भी खयाल […]
नदी तल को ऊपर लाता यह मलबा
संता – भाई, आजकल नदी तल से मलबा हटाने को ले कर कुछ ज्यादा हो हल्ला हो रहा हैं? बंता – हाँ, पहले अकेले पर्यावरण प्रेमी ही थे, पर अब न्यायालय भी शामिल हो गया हैं। ऐसे में अखबारों को तो बैठे-बिठाये मसाला मिल ही जाता हैं। संता – पर मसला हैं क्या यह सब? बंता […]
आपदा की चेतावनी और राहत
Should disaster warning service subscription not be made mandatory for availing life insurance claim and admissible relief benefit? If not anything else this would ensure wider dissemination of disaster warnings that in turn would help reduce the toll of disasters.
संता-बंता और आपदा में लापता
A number of persons routinely go missing in various disaster incidences and there exists no standard mechanism for declaring these as being dead and accordingly issuing Death Certificates. This adds to the trauma of the affected families and often also delays relief disbursement. Registrar General of India has to be approached every time for notifying the procedure for doing so. It is therefore required that a dedicated SOP be put in place for routinely declaring missing persons as being dead and issuing Death Certificate.