On the first anniversary of Sinking Joshimath or aggravated ground subsidence and the subsequent disaster that unfolded in Joshimath, it becomes imperative to reflect on the challenges faced and the inspiring journey toward recovery.
Electrocution at Chamoli in Uttarakhand
Operator of the Namami Gange Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) operated by Jal Sansthan at Chamoli in Uttarakhand, Shri Ganesh was reportedly electrocuted on 18 July, 2023. Police team along with officials of Jal Sansthan and locals went to the incident site for inquest related formalities of the deceased on 19 July 2023 around 1130 hrs. […]
Why is Joshimath sinking
Why is Joshimath sinking all of a sudden is an obvious question that comes to the mind of people following incidences in Uttarakhand. Piping of finer material embedded in the old slide material on the valley slope by the breach of some confined aquifer and accompanying distress seems to be the logical explanation. Scientific and technical institutions investigating the causes of distress are sure to add value to this assumption.
Joshimath like ground fissure reports
Cracks and fissures are being reported from many places of Uttarakhand soon after the recent ground subsidence incidence around Joshimath, cause of which still eludes the scientists and experts. It is a cause of serious concern as neither the people not the state are in a position to bear the burden of similar incidences.
Ground subsidence around Joshimath
Habitations have come into existence, primarily as a consequence of basic human urge to socialise and stay together, perhaps for safety and security, more than anything else. It is around these settlements that humans started various livelihood chores including agriculture, hunting and gathering. Settlements in the hills Agriculture being the primary economic activity in the […]
Joshimath: Crumbling under its own weight
संता – भाई पिछले काफी दिनों से अखबार और टेलीविज़न के साथ-साथ सोशल मीडिया पर बस जोशीमठ ही छाया हैं। आखिर ये माजरा है क्या? बंता – हाँ भाई, हमारे कई और शहरों की तरह जोशीमठ भी पुराने भू-स्खलन के मलबे के ऊपर बसा है, और यहाँ काफी लम्बे समय से भू-धँसाव हो रहा हैं। संता […]
Committee recommends monitoring of slopes around Joshimath
Observation pillars were erected on the identified vulnerable slopes around the Naini lake after devastating Sher-ka-Danda landslide of 1880 and these were monitored using theodolite till 1997 to assess the threat posed to the lake city and undertake mitigation measures, besides sounding a warning when required. Monitoring unstable slopes But then Joshimath in Chamoli district […]
Marching ahead from Sumna
With the bodies of all the 18 persons missing in the avalanche incidence of April 23, 2021 around Sumna in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand having been recovered, dispatched back home to Jharkhand, and laid to rest, the search operation has come to an end. Amid increasing tendency of labelling every incidence as being man-made the debate on […]
Avalanche in Chamoli district kills 18
Almost after 75 days of the devastating Rishiganga–Dhauliganga flash flood tragedy of February 7, 2021 that killed 204 persons and devastated two hydropower projects, including one of 520 MW capacity at Tapoban, the region was once again in the headlines due to yet another disaster. It was an avalanche yet again, however in the previous […]
Winter season flood in the Himalayas
Winter season flood in not a common occurrence in Himalaya. During the winter season higher reaches of Himalaya are under thick cover of snow, and melting of glaciers is insignificant. Winter season is thus a lean flow period for Himalayan rivers. No one was thus had scant idea of this winter season flood in Himalaya. […]