Try out Disaster Risk Index methodology of XV Finance Commission to assess the risk of various hazards on the districts of your state using open source data.
House of Sama
The Challenge of Deepfakes
Challenge of deepfakes becoming grave and real, threatening social order and solidarity warrants understanding the problem and putting in place appropriate prevention and mitigation measures.
Supreme Court on Dignified End of Life
The article explores the scenario around dignified end of life choice so boldly provided by the Government of Haryana in response to the resounding echoes of the Supreme Court’s stance on this often debated issue of euthanasia.
Reflecting on Resilience from Sinking Joshimath
On the first anniversary of Sinking Joshimath or aggravated ground subsidence and the subsequent disaster that unfolded in Joshimath, it becomes imperative to reflect on the challenges faced and the inspiring journey toward recovery.
New Year and January 1
History is adorned with various dates that, in different cultures and epochs, marked the advent of a fresh beginning or New Year. Get to know as to how January 1 came to be accepted universally as being the New Years Day.
राज्य आपदा न्यूनीकरण कोष (Mitigation Fund Guidelines): मार्गनिर्देश व अन्य जानकारिया
वर्तमान में हमारे पास आपदा घटित होने से पहले कार्यवाही कर के सम्भावित क्षति को कम करने के विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं, जरूरत हैं तो बस उन्हें जानने-समझने की और ऐसा हम Mitigation Fund Guidelines का अध्ययन कर उन्हें समझ कर सहज ही कर सकते है
Disaster Management in India – Funding Provisions in Hindi
Funding provisions for disaster management in India are decided upon by the recommendations of successive Finance Commissions. Departing from the routine expenditure based approach, XV Finance Commission has also taken note of disaster risk faced by the states and has allocated funds not only for pre-disaster mitigation, preparedness and capacity building but also for post-disaster rehabilitation and reconsatruction.