Landslides promote availability of water and fertile land in the mountains and most habitations are therefore located in close proximity of old landslides. Understanding this relationship is crucial to reducing landslide induced losses.
भू-स्खलन के बोझ से दबता हिमालय
संता – भाई, हिमांचल हो या फिर उत्तराखण्ड, इस साल तो बरसात ने हर तरफ आफत मचा रखी हैं। बंता – सो तो हैं, नुकसान कुछ ज्यादा ही हो गया हैं। पर वैसे देखा जाये तो बरसात में पहाड़ी ढाल पर मलबे का खिसकना या भू-स्खलन का होना एक आम बात हैं, और इसमें कुछ भी […]
Santa-Banta on landslides
संता – भाई रोज सुनते रहते हैं, आखिर यह भू-स्खलन होता क्या हैं ? बंता – Land यानी आम भाषा में कहे तो चट्टान, पत्थर, मिट्टी व मलबा। यह सब जब Slide करे या ढाल पर नीचे आये, तो उसे हम Landslide या भू- स्खलन कहते हैं। संता – वो तो ठीक है, परन्तु यह मलबा नीचे […]
Geologists for sustainable development
Buildings can certainly be constructed in the hills without slope modification utilising natural gradient of the slope, and thereby curtailing the cost of site development as also managing the menace of debris disposal besides making the end product aesthetically pleasing and utilitarian. Roads in mountainous terrain Roads cannot however be constructed without preparing a continuous flat […]
Apada Prahari for disaster resilience
Believe it or not – Mother Nature does often warn us of an impending hazard. So, the consequent disaster can’t really be dubbed as being Nature’s wrath – culpability of our ignorance can’t be shifted solely to Mother Nature. We have to accept our culpability in letting the hazard take disastrous proportion. Mother Nature warning […]
ATIL plaguing Uttarakhand
Yes, agricultural terrace induced landslide is what is meant by ATIL and you have heard it right. Idea might sound insane but then, backed by experience, common sense, insight and intuition, it shouldn’t be way far off the bullseye. Having witnessed ATIL caused devastation way back in 1998, it was hard to believe then that […]
Neglected terraces & enhanced landslide risk
Might sound bizarre, but you are soon to realize the logic as also the seriousness of the issue and if not addressed effectively it is to pose a major threat for the hilly terrain of Uttarakhand. Terracing: Agriculture + Terracing is one of the techniques often utilized even today for treating the landslide. It reduces […]
पलायन, खेती-बाड़ी और आपदा
हो सकता हैं और बहुत मुमकिन है कि अभी आपको यह सब किसी सिरफिरे का फितूर लग रहा हो पर सच मानिये और विश्वास करिये – यह विषय अत्यन्त गम्भीर होने के साथ ही पहाड़ में रह रहे लोगो के भविष्य से जुड़ा है। हमारे सीढ़ीदार खेत भू-स्खलन से प्रभावित पहाड़ी ढाल को सीढ़ीदार स्वरुप […]
Non-monsoonal landslide in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand
Most landslides occur during the monsoon season, but the one around Sari in Rudraprayag district of Uttrakhand occurred during the winter season on February 28, 2022. Despite there being no causalities, occurrence of landslide during the winter season is certainly unusual. After winter season flood in Dhauliganga in February 2021 and post-monsoon rainfall induced landslides in Nainital in October 2021, this incidence highlights the surprises and challenges in store for disaster managers, and they are accordingly required to gear up their preparedness.
Explosives and earthquake threat
Restricting explosive use in construction works in Himalayas is welcome and this is to help in effectively managing landslides in Himalayas. Explosive use however does not have any impact on earthquake risk.