Try out Disaster Risk Index methodology of XV Finance Commission to assess the risk of various hazards on the districts of your state using open source data.
XV Finance Commission and Resources for Disaster Management – In Hindi
Get to know about the innovative approach of the XV Finance Commission for allocating resources for disaster management related purposes to the states. The XV Finance Commission has for the first timer provided resources for not only pre-disaster mitigation and capacity building but also for post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Why We Forget What We Should Not?
The question as to why we forget what we should not, often crops up after major disasters when masses seem to have learnt no lessons from previous ones and forgotten those completely.
Believe me or not, we all are hard-wired by evolution to forget, and for that matter we tend to forget unpleasant and traumatising moments much faster than happy moments, and Psychologists call that a gift of evolution.
आपदाओं का होना या ना होना हमारे हाथ
Disasters are caused by the process of slowly accruing vulnerability due to human actions and decisions, and certainly not by nature.
खुशियों को तौलने का सबब
एक तरफ जी 20 की अगुवाई तथा संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद में स्थाई सदस्यता की पैरवी, तो वही दूसरी तरफ वैश्विक भुखमरी सूचकांक में 121 देशो में हम पीछे से 15वे स्थान पर और इस सूची में उत्तरी कोरिया, इथियोपिया, सूडान, रवांडा, नाइजीरिया व कांगो जैसे देश हमसे ऊपर। इतना ही नहीं खुशियों के वैश्विक सूचकांक की 137 […]
Disaster: Manmade and gradual process
Be it on the aftermath of sudden ground shaking as in Bhuj Earthquake of 2001, or occurrence of some unheard of phenomenon like sudden swelling of waves as with Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, or unexpectedly heavy rainfall and ensuing floods as in Kedarnath in 2013 or prolonged creep of ground silently unfolding into a […]
Human psychology and aggravated disaster risk
Despite geographical, religious, cultural and linguistic diversity humans think, act and react in amazingly similar fashion, particularly during distress and life threatening situations. This is attributed to evolution, as behavioural traits providing relative advantage and maximizing chances of survival get engrained in our behavior and psychology. Though evolved through the struggle for survival and aimed […]
Skewed mitigation and increasing flood risk
Despite the situation being continuously exacerbated by climate change and unplanned urbanisation, most vulnerable of the 1.81 billion flood affected persons fail to get prioritised under risk reduction programs due to skewed selection criteria. The study Flood exposure and poverty in 188 countries – an article published recently in Nature Communications by Jun Rentschler, […]
XV Finance Commission: Disaster Risk Index
In accordance with the recommendations of the XIV Finance Commission (FC) to take note of disaster risk faced by the states so as to bring objectivity in resource allocation, the XV Finance Commission (FC) developed the disaster risk index (DRI) through a quantitative exercise wherein scores were assigned to the probability of hazards striking the states […]
Track vulnerability for ensuring safety
Most of you would smile sarcastically, or scorn at me, and I really mean it. Don’t start to judge me; just pay attention to the following argument: Most of us fail to keep track of our vulnerabilities; physical, environmental, social, political, health, financial, familial, or whatever you may consider. This seemingly little lapse makes us […]