Impact on agriculture, and farm activities always have long term adverse implications on life support strategy, and quality of life of the affected families. To the extent possible efforts should therefore be made to minimise loss to agriculture, and farm activities.
In view of thunderstorm being accompanied by gusty winds, provide mechanical support to orchards, staking in vegetables.
If farmers are in the field, and can’t find any shelter, avoid the tallest object in the area. If only isolated trees are nearby, best protection is to crouch in the open.
Keep animals away from open water, pond, or river.
Keep animals away from tractors, and other metal farm equipment.
Drain out excess water from standing crops.
Cover the harvested produce (if in the field) with polythene sheet.
Avoid contact with electrical equipment, or cords.
Keep away and avoid contact with anything metal – tractors, farm equipment, and bicycles.
Livestock frequently gathers under trees during a thunderstorm, and a single strike can kill many animals. Don’t allow your animals to congregate under trees.
Watch your animals closely, and try to keep them under your direct control.