In case we wish us to excel, be it in any field; first and foremost we have to critically review what the counterparts are doing and shed our inhibitions, and most importantly not hesitate in accepting where the counterparts have fared well and accordingly reprogram our strategies to optimise productivity.
Even though not many in India were aware of tsunami and its devastating potential, it became a household affair after the havoc it caused on 26 December 2004.
On its part the government also sprang into action after recovering from the burnt of the Indian Ocean Tsunami and as a knee jerk reaction it quickly enacted the long awaited legislation for managing disasters – Disaster Management Act, 2005 – almost a year after the tsunami.
Needless to say that the Act provided much needed institutional framework for disaster management, even though much still remains to be done in terms of empowering and strengthening various institutions created in accordance with the same – particularly in terms of human resource that has unfortunately been considered dispensable in our system.
Apart from the Act, the government at the same time strengthened and empowered Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) that had been set up in February 1999 as an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. INCOIS presently functions as a dedicated world class tsunami early warning facility, and in case of any submarine earthquake having potential of generating a tsunami and affecting the Indian land mass, it has warning generation and dissemination infrastructure to ensure timely evacuation of vulnerable communities and take appropriate measures to reduce the impact and minimise loss of human lives, livestock and property.
On the second day the first talk was on early warning system for ocean and coastal disasters by Dr. Balakrishnan Nair Of INCOIS who aptly classified ocean related hazards into (i) Meteorological, (ii) Tectonic, (iii) Biochemical / Ecological, and (iv) Marine pollution. Highlighting the vulnerability of the Southeast Asia he told that 30% of all cyclones originate in the Indian Ocean.
Dr. Balakrishnan told the audience that INCOIS provides multi hazard warning for various disasters including tsunami wherein (i) threat, (ii) travel time, (iii) directivity and (iv) earthquake maps are provided to 25 different countries of the region that are likely to be affected by the same. It was added that in case of storm surges INCOIS provides information relating to storm surge and inundation to 06 different countries.
It was further communicated that INCOIS has developed a Search and Rescue Aid Tool (SARAT) for locating missing objects in ocean on the basis of its last known location.
Towards the end of the presentation he appraised the gathering on various community outreach programs of INCOIS aimed at making the masses aware of various ocean related hazards.
Dr. Balakrishnan Nair of INCOIS was followed by Dr. Piyoosh Rautela of Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Authority who briefed the audience on disaster vulnerability of the newly created Himalayan state. Dr. Rautela talked about previous major disaster incidences in the region that included 1803 Garhwal Earthquake, 1894 Alaknanda flood, 1880 Sher-ka-Danda landslide apart from 2013 Kedarnath disaster.
Dr. Rautela highlighted the fact that an earthquake in Uttarakhand could be a bigger threat for the surrounding Uttar Pradesh and National Capital Region that suffered significant losses during the Garhwal Earthquake of 1803.
Drawing attention of the audience towards long drawn seismic quiescence resulting in a Seismic Gap (of 1905 Kangra and 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquakes) in the region he called upon one and all to accept and act in accordance with the seriousness of the issue.
Stressing upon seismic vulnerability and previous losses, Dr. Rautela stressed upon the need of promoting and popularising earthquake early warning system of USDMA that provides better warning lead time in this region. He thus called upon everyone in Uttar Pradesh and National Capital Region to subscribe to earthquake early warning system of USDMA that could provide them opportunity of minimising losses in the event of a large magnitude earthquake in the Himalayas.
In view of September 2003 Varunavat and March 2005 Ramolsari landslides as also recent February 2021 Dhauliganga-Rishiganga floods, October 2021 Kumaun disaster and October 2022 Draupadi-ka-Danda avalanche tragedy Dr. Rautela drew the attention of the house towards changing disaster scenario wherein hydro-meteorological disasters are crossing the realm of monsoon period and this according to him, is a major cause of concern not only for the masses but also for the responders.
Through vivid pictures Dr. Rautela drew the attention of the audience towards the impact that disaster incidences have on the region and stressed upon the need of coordinated response .
The post-lunch session of the day was packed with real thrill and action – and that too in the sky. After the arrival of the Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh, CDS Lt. Gen. Anil Chauhan, Chief of Air Staff V.R. Chaudhari and other dignitaries it was the time for live action wherein capabilities of the Air Force for various post disaster operations were showcased.
The sequence of events was orchestrated around a large magnitude earthquake in Ranikhet – Pithoragarh region of Uttarakhand. In the beginning reconnaissance of the affected area was done by SU-30 aircraft with EOIR pod and in view of operations being long drawn air-to-air refuelling capability was demonstrated by IL 78 and SU-30 aircrafts. In order to provide communication facility to the helicopters in narrow valleys of the affected area helli tele facility was demonstrated by C-130 J aircraft.
The paramedics were then slithered down from ALH MK-III helicopter and later casualty was winched up for referral. Bambi bucket operations were demonstrated by MI-17 V5 helicopter for drowsing the fire. An underslung improvised LSV was then dropped in the affected area by Chinook helicopter. At the end C-17 made a short field landing.
After the air show, Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh ji highlighted fast increasing role of the country in the Southeast Asia and congratulated various uniformed services for extending exemplary services during various previous disaster incidences. He congratulated the Air Force for naming this exercise as SAMANVAY as it aptly reflects the objectives and working ethos of the organisation. He added that the coordination is the essence of nature, life and regeneration, and all entities small or big exist because of the coordination amongst various constituents. Hew added that the coordination of body and soul makes a complete individual and likewise it is the coordination between the members of the family, community and nation that ensures the growth and prosperity of these units. According to him disruption of coordination alone results in problems that include disaster occurrences.
Highlighting the role the world community expects India to play, particularly in South Asian region the Raksha Mantri narrated a story to reiterate the role of SAMANVAY like exercises for ensuring coordination amongst various response agencies as also for inculcating crucial skills needed for saving lives.
तो यह कहानी थी रामू मल्लाह और गाँव के पंडित जी की जिन्हे वो गंगा पार करा रहा था।
पंडित जी काफी पढ़े – लिखे व ज्ञानी थे और साथ ही वाकचातुर्य भी गजब का था उनका. तभी तो दूर दराज के लोग भी राय – मशवरा के लिये उन्ही की शरण में आते थे।
पंडित जी के ठीक उलट था रामू – मितभाषी व अपने काम से काम रखने वाला।
उस दिन बादल लगे थे और हवा भी कुछ तेज ही थी. शायद शाम तब बारिश भी हो ही जाये – ऊपर आसमान की ओर देख कर रामू ने अंदाजा लगाया।
शायद मौसम की वजह से हो, पर उस दिन घाट पर रौनक बिल्कुल भी नहीं थी।
रामू ने कुछ देर सवारियों का इंतजार किया और फिर अकेले पंडित जी को ले कर निकल पड़ा. उन्हें ज्यादा इंतजार भी तो नहीं करवा सकता था।
कुछ देर तो ठीक रहा पर जल्द ही नाव का वो सन्नाटा पंडित जी को अखरने लगा।
शायद यूँ ही समय काटने के लिये पंडित जी ने बातो का सिलसिला शुरू किया।
पंडित जी – हाँ, तो नाम क्या है तुम्हारा?
यह प्रश्न कुछ अजीब सा लगा रामू को क्योंकि गाँव में पंडित जी समेत सभी उसे अच्छे से जानते थे।
फिर भी जवाब न देना भी तो मुनासिब नहीं था।
रामू – जी, रामू।
पंडित जी – नाव चलाते हो ?
रामू – जी।
पंडित जी – और कुछ? ज्योतिष, नक्षत्र विज्ञान भी पढ़े – बूझे हो क्या कुछ ?
रामू – नहीं।
पंडित जी – तब तो तुम्हारी एक चौथाई जिन्दगी यूँ ही बर्बाद हो गयी।
रामू – जी।
पंडित जी – तो फिर वेद, शास्त्र, उपनिषद तो बूझे ही होगे ?
रामू – जी नहीं।
पंडित जी – क्या भाई, ऐसे में तो बाकी बची जिन्दगी का एक चौथाई फिर से बर्बाद।
रामू – जी।
इस के बाद रामू ने अपना पूरा ध्यान चप्पू पर गड़ा दिया।
तभी रामू का ध्यान नाव के तले में नीचे से रिस कर धीरे – धीरे इकठ्ठा हो रेक पानी पर गया. रामू को लगा कि शायद कोई जोड़ खुल गया होगा। फिर उसका ध्यान पंडित जी की तरफ गया जो शायद लहरों को गिन रहे थे।
फिर न जाने क्या सोच कर उसने पूछ ही लिया, “पंडित जी, तैरना तो जानते हैं ना ?”
पंडित जी शायद प्रश्न के लिये तैयार नहीं थे, सो सकपका से गये।
पंडित जी – क्या कहा तुमने?
रामू – बस पूछ रहा था कि आपको तैरना तो आता हैं ना ?
मुस्कुराते हुवे रामू ने अपना प्रश्न दोहराया।
पंडित जी- नहीं. क्यों क्या हुवा?
रामू – ऐसे तो पंडित जी आपकी सारी की सारी जिन्दगी बर्बाद और वो भी एक साथ।
पंडित जी को माजरा समझते देर नहीं लगी; सो एकदम से सुन्न पड़ गये – काटो तो खून नहीं और कतार दृष्टि से सहायता के लिये रामू की ओर देखने लगे।
पंडित जी की हालत बिगड़ती देख रामू भी सकपका गया. फिर हॅसते हुवे बोला, “कुछ ज्यादा परेशानी नहीं हैं पंडित जी, किनारे तक पहुँच ही जायेंगे।”
इतना कह कर रामू ने किनारे रखा टीन का डब्बा उठाया और नाव की तली में जमा हो रहे पानी को बाहर गंगा जी में उड़ेलने में व्यस्त हो गया।
The third day was dedicated to a table top exercise depicting a major earthquake scenario in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand. With normal communication being disrupted, information was collected from different quarters through satellite phones.
The requirements were accordingly assessed and mobilised through various response agencies including IAF.
In the concluding session of the exercise the need of strengthening the responders at the grassroots level was reiterated and it was resolved that in future the Air Force would participate in mock exercises being organised by the states at various levels. In view of increasing efforts of all the agencies to enlarge their footprint on social media, it was at the same time stressed upon that the response agencies should desist seeking publicity, and strengthen the hands of the responders at the grassroots level who look forward to their help.
So, SAMANVAY was achieved and with similar exercises planned in future coordination related issues beenteen uniformed personnel and civil administration would all be the story of bygone days.
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