Should disaster warning service subscription not be made mandatory for availing life insurance claim and admissible relief benefit? If not anything else this would ensure wider dissemination of disaster warnings that in turn would help reduce the toll of disasters.
Disaster relief
संता-बंता और आपदा में लापता
A number of persons routinely go missing in various disaster incidences and there exists no standard mechanism for declaring these as being dead and accordingly issuing Death Certificates. This adds to the trauma of the affected families and often also delays relief disbursement. Registrar General of India has to be approached every time for notifying the procedure for doing so. It is therefore required that a dedicated SOP be put in place for routinely declaring missing persons as being dead and issuing Death Certificate.
Disasters & life of the affected
Loss of productive assets by disasters has severe adverse impact on the quality of life of the affected families; particularly ones with low socio-economic status as they fail to replenish the lost assets, despite public exchequer being overburdened by relief provided by the state.
Relief to disaster victims
Based on the previous experience, and knowledge, you might be aware that there exists an institutional provision of providing relief to disaster victims by the state. Only a few would however be aware of the amount admissible under different circumstances, and basis of this assistance. Some of you might have also experienced that in some […]