Why is Joshimath sinking all of a sudden is an obvious question that comes to the mind of people following incidences in Uttarakhand. Piping of finer material embedded in the old slide material on the valley slope by the breach of some confined aquifer and accompanying distress seems to be the logical explanation. Scientific and technical institutions investigating the causes of distress are sure to add value to this assumption.
Imported cheetah vs desi guldar
Elementary history lessons are enough to tell us that all that comes from alien lands does not always have savour and flavour. Consequences of centuries of blatant loot by East India Company and later British Raj proves this – from global leader in manufacturing and exports commanding around 23 percent of the global economy at the beginning of the […]
Disaster: Manmade and gradual process
Be it on the aftermath of sudden ground shaking as in Bhuj Earthquake of 2001, or occurrence of some unheard of phenomenon like sudden swelling of waves as with Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, or unexpectedly heavy rainfall and ensuing floods as in Kedarnath in 2013 or prolonged creep of ground silently unfolding into a […]
Human psychology and aggravated disaster risk
Despite geographical, religious, cultural and linguistic diversity humans think, act and react in amazingly similar fashion, particularly during distress and life threatening situations. This is attributed to evolution, as behavioural traits providing relative advantage and maximizing chances of survival get engrained in our behavior and psychology. Though evolved through the struggle for survival and aimed […]
संता – बंता और भूकम्प सुरक्षा
संता – भाई आजकल कुछ ज्यादा भूकम्प नहीं आ रहे हैं? बंता – हो सकता है भूकम्प तो उतने ही आ रहे हो पर हमें पता ज्यादा चल रहा हो – संवेदनशील उपकरणों व मीडिया के कारण? संता – क्या मतलब? बंता – बाकी की आपदाओं का तो भाई पता नहीं, पर दुनिया भर के भूकम्प के […]
Disasters: 2003-22 vs 1983-2002
Keeping with general perception of increasing frequency and magnitude of disasters, world witnessed 7931 natural disaster incidences in the previous 20 years, i.e. 2003-22, registering an increase of 36.9% over the preceding twenty year period ending in 2002 (1983-2002). 37-40% incidences during both these periods occurred in Asia. But then, negating the perception of steadily […]
Joshimath like ground fissure reports
Cracks and fissures are being reported from many places of Uttarakhand soon after the recent ground subsidence incidence around Joshimath, cause of which still eludes the scientists and experts. It is a cause of serious concern as neither the people not the state are in a position to bear the burden of similar incidences.
Ground subsidence around Joshimath
Habitations have come into existence, primarily as a consequence of basic human urge to socialise and stay together, perhaps for safety and security, more than anything else. It is around these settlements that humans started various livelihood chores including agriculture, hunting and gathering. Settlements in the hills Agriculture being the primary economic activity in the […]
संता-बंता और आपदा में लापता
A number of persons routinely go missing in various disaster incidences and there exists no standard mechanism for declaring these as being dead and accordingly issuing Death Certificates. This adds to the trauma of the affected families and often also delays relief disbursement. Registrar General of India has to be approached every time for notifying the procedure for doing so. It is therefore required that a dedicated SOP be put in place for routinely declaring missing persons as being dead and issuing Death Certificate.
संता-बंता और आने वाला बड़ा भूकम्प
High risk posed to UP & NCR from future Himalayan earthquake calls for augmenting earthquake safety initiatives & promoting warning app of Uttarakhand.