Small tremors, though frequent don’t reduce earthquake risk in an area as the energy released by them is relatively insignificant. Get to better understand the implications of small magnitude earthquakes.
XV Finance Commission and Disaster Risk Index
Try out Disaster Risk Index methodology of XV Finance Commission to assess the risk of various hazards on the districts of your state using open source data.
Mass Awareness for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction
Mass awareness is the cornerstone of disaster risk reduction as it alone can ensure voluntary compliance of prevention, mitigation and safety measures.
Disaster Management in India – Funding Provisions in Hindi
Funding provisions for disaster management in India are decided upon by the recommendations of successive Finance Commissions. Departing from the routine expenditure based approach, XV Finance Commission has also taken note of disaster risk faced by the states and has allocated funds not only for pre-disaster mitigation, preparedness and capacity building but also for post-disaster rehabilitation and reconsatruction.
जोखिम लेने की हमारी प्रवृति
संता – भाई, क्या आपदा के कारण होने वाले नुकसान के लिये हमारी जानबूझ कर जोखिम लेने की आदत उत्तरदायी नहीं हैं? बंता – सो तो हैं, पर यह हमें प्रकृति द्वारा दिया गया वरदान भी तो हैं। संता – वरदान? बंता – इसे सकारात्मकता या फिर Positivity Bias कहते हैं, और इसके चलते […]
आपदाओं का होना या ना होना हमारे हाथ
Disasters are caused by the process of slowly accruing vulnerability due to human actions and decisions, and certainly not by nature.
Human psychology and aggravated disaster risk
Despite geographical, religious, cultural and linguistic diversity humans think, act and react in amazingly similar fashion, particularly during distress and life threatening situations. This is attributed to evolution, as behavioural traits providing relative advantage and maximizing chances of survival get engrained in our behavior and psychology. Though evolved through the struggle for survival and aimed […]
संता – बंता और भूकम्प सुरक्षा
संता – भाई आजकल कुछ ज्यादा भूकम्प नहीं आ रहे हैं? बंता – हो सकता है भूकम्प तो उतने ही आ रहे हो पर हमें पता ज्यादा चल रहा हो – संवेदनशील उपकरणों व मीडिया के कारण? संता – क्या मतलब? बंता – बाकी की आपदाओं का तो भाई पता नहीं, पर दुनिया भर के भूकम्प के […]
SAMANVAY 2022 – Day 1
Despite disaster management being the primary responsibility of civil administration, it is often overwhelmed by disaster incidences by virtue of their magnitude, impact and geographical coverage. Long drawn rescue and relief operations together with inclement weather conditions and disrupted transport network force the civil administration to resort to the support of various specialised agencies. Having […]
Earthquake early warning – An illusion
After a series of earthquakes in the recent past in western Nepal and Pithoragarh, the earthquake early warning (EEW) system operated by USDMA in Uttarakhand has been the focus of most seismic safety related debates. Obsessed with the glitter and fancy of early warning most disaster risk reduction (DRR) enthusiasts often tend to consider it the ultimate […]